Join our Mission
Thank you for your interest in joining with us in our mission! It is because of people like you that the Gospel will be preached across Greater Minneapolis. Please review the information below and let us know how we can be a help to you. God bless!
What We Do
Our mission is to spread the Good News throughout the Greater Minneapolis Metropolitan area. We are doing this by doing weekly outreach and community connections. We make disciples by doing Bible studies and having a weekly worship event.
What Can I Do?
Your gift of any amount will help us reach our goal of planting a brand new work in the city of Minneapolis. Your giving provides housing for our family and funding for weekly outreach efforts.
Giving Options
Give to support Minneapolis Missions using our secure giving options. As of July 2024, Minneapolis Missions giving will be run through Promise Church for accounting purposes. All gifts are tax deductible and you may request a giving report at your convenience.
Click the button below to give through our secure online portal. In the dropdown, select “Donation.”
You can send a donation through paypal using the information below.
You can send a check using the information below.
Promise Church
6043 Sheridan Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55410
Need Help?
Do you have a question about giving options or need more information on how to partner with us? Send us a message using the email below and we will get back with you as soon as possible. Thanks!